Wednesday, 13 September 2017


To start the reflection, I think I should say what I think about last year´s work. Last year, it made me think and learn. This year I have clearest ideas of making the blog, just because now, I know how much time I need to take in each post and work.
Is true that was a bit stressful, because was the first time I get inside blogger, I did not know exactly, how much time I should have get in each post. But with the time, finally, I get the trick of it.
The difference between this year and last one is that now, is that I feel more confident of making my blog.


My team, is the same as last year. I am working with Candela Goodsell.

We are so happy to work together, because the two of us have the same desire, of making our blog.
I think is gonna be a great work!

As now we already know how to work in blogger, we can calculate the time we take in each post, to make the blog as perfect as possible.

Also, what we could improve is the researching part. Last year it was very difficult for us to understand the different things that the subject have.

I will try to do my best, for people to enjoy my blog. 

Hope you like it! 

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