Thursday, 14 December 2017



Props are an important part of filmmaking. Props is short for property, and refers to items owned by or belonging to a character in a film. Often on film sets, one of the members of the film crew will fill a position called prop master. Prop masters on a film set are responsible for creating props or bringing them to set, and keeping them organized on set.


- PARTY ESSENTIALS: Make-up, drinks, speakers etc.


As it a romantic genre, the characters will be wearing normal clothes and also party dresses and clothes for the "party" we planned to scene.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017


Hello people!

Today we have thought about recording the trailer in Sanlucar, just because mainly, the majority of the actors lives in this place, so it is more easy for us to not have to transport people to too many places.

Sanlucar de Barrameda is nearly the best place to record this romantic trailer. This place has a beach next to my home, so it is an advantage for us that the beach is not much far away, so immediately we can record lot of scenes in my home, and then continue on the beach.

The main idea of the location is recording in an urbanization house, were we can record this scenes. I think is gonna be great! 

Tuesday, 12 December 2017


Hello bloggers!

Today, I have been working on film lighting and the different types of it. 
Here yo have my research on film lightings:

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Thursday, 7 December 2017


Hi everyone!
Today we are planning our filming schedule. Here you have our planning:

05/03/18 House Blanca Normal clothes Motorbike, phone
05/03/18 Motorbike Blanca Normal clothes Helmet
05/03/18 Outside house Blanca and Alvaro Normal clothes Phone
06/03/18 Beach Blanca, Miryam, Antonio and Alvaro Normal clothes Phone, Camera
06/03/18 House Blanca, Miryam, Antonio and Alvaro Normal clothes Phone, balloons, present

Wednesday, 6 December 2017


Hello everyone! 
Today we have been thinking about, what characters are going to be acting in the trailer. 

Tuesday, 5 December 2017


Hello bloggers! I am here with Candela and we are thinking about the risk it can be made during the filming. Here you go the planning:

What is at risk ? Who is at risk? Type of risk, high or low? How to avoid the risk?
Filming in the beach is a bit dangerous because there are too many rocks that can cut ourselves All characters Low Being aware of the rocks around us
Characters may fall All characters Low Being aware of all around us
In the area there are lots of cars that could get run over All characters Low Looking always everywhere

Monday, 4 December 2017


Hello everyone!
Today, my team and me had been designing logos for our company.

Making a new unique logo design, it has been a bit difficult, just because there are lots and lots of types of logo designs in the world.

We have done some types of logos designs and company names:

Sunday, 3 December 2017


Hello bloggers! 
Today, we have been deciding how is gonna be and what are we going to act in the trailer. 
We have been making some plot ideas to make more easier to us to choose.

Monday, 20 November 2017


Hello everyone! 
Today, we are searching information about what type of lighting they use in romantic films.


Lighting plays a big part in inspiring emotional reactions from film viewers, and is especially important in romantic movies.

"Imagine a scene. A man and woman are sitting at a table. In the first take, the lights are bright, and the whole room looks cheery. In the second, the lights are dim and the couple is ensconced in shadow. The entire feel of the scene is altered by one simple lighting change."

Color temperature is one of the first things to note when studying the lighting in a romantic scene. Most often, warm colors add to an inviting, romantic atmosphere. For example, the warm light in this sunset scene Titanic draws the audience in, unlike the cold, blue lighting later in the movie, after things get dire.


Brightly lit or "High-Key" scenes ten to be more cheerful and upbeat, while darker "Low-Key" scenes hold more intrigue. Shadows in film can easily make a scene feel more sensual. This famous still of Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer in The Sound of Music, demonstrates how shadows can transform an encounter in a glass gazebo into a intimate, life-altering moment.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017


Hi everybody! 
Today, we are looking about what type of equipment we need for film our trailer.
Last year we needed, the video camera, a tripod and a mobile phone to take pictures of the moment of filming the opening.
This year we need about the same type of equipment:

Thursday, 9 November 2017



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Wednesday, 18 October 2017


Hello bloggers! 
Im here with my classmate Candela, and we are thinking about what type of genre we are going to be using. Last year we take "horror", just because is a type of genre that we like and also it is easy to film. Other types of film genre that we love is "Romantic" and "Action" films. 

We were deciding between these two genres, but finally we made a decision and we are taking Romantic genre. The decision between this two was a bit difficult, just because we had lots of ideas to record an action film. I thought was going to be great if we take action, just because we would enjoy the scenes to much more than in a Romantic way, that is typically between a girl and a boy in a park.

But thinking accurately we chose "ROMANTIC". We think is the easiest genre to film, and also we already have lots of ideas for filming. 
We also have the perfect ambient places to act, near to my house and we think is going to be the perfect genre for our trailer.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017



Walter Elias Disney was an American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer.  A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons. As a film producer, Disney holds the record for the most Academy Awards earned by an individual , having won 22 Oscars from 59 nominations. He was presented with two Golden Globe Special Achievement Awards and an Emmy Award, among other honors.


Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Is an American entertainment company that is a division of Time Warner and is headquartered in Burbank, California. It is one of the "Big Six" major American film studios.


DreamWorks Pictures is an American film production label of Amblin Partners. The studio was formerly distributing its own and third-party films by itself. It has produced or distributed more than ten films with box-office grosses of more than 100 million each. As of October 2016, DreamWorks films are marketed and distributed by Universal Pictures.


Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation is an American film studio currently owned by 21st Century Fox. It is one of the "Big Six" major American film studios and is located in the Century City area of Los Angeles, just west of Beverly Hills. The studio was owned by News Corporation from 1984 to 2013.


Pixar also referred to as Pixar Animation Studios, is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California that is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the Lucasfilm computer division, before its spin-out as a corporation in 1986, with funding by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs, who became the majority shareholder. Disney purchased Pixar in 2006 at a valuation of 7.4 billion, a transaction that resulted in Jobs becoming Disneys largest single shareholder at the time. Pixar is best known for CGI-animated feature films created with RenderMan, Pixars own implementation of the industry-standard RenderMan image-rendering application programming interface, used to generate high-quality images.

Thursday, 21 September 2017


A trailer is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema, the result of creative and technical work. The term "trailer" comes from having originally been shown at the end of a feature film screening.



Sound is something that is very important in all trailers. It represents the genre of the film and can be used to emphasize certain parts in the trailer. particular action films use sound in a very clever way in trailers. Diegetic sound can be used in the form of explosions and gunshots representing the genre.
Non-diegetic music is also often used to portray the genre also.
The trailer of "The Avengers".

This trailer strongly uses sound from dialogue and diegetic explosions to non-diegetic music. The action genre of this film is represented in the song playing throughout which is `We´re in this together´by Nine Inch Nails. This song is well known and the rock genre compliments the content of the action film trailer.


Different camera shots and angles are used in trailers for different reasons. A trailer that shows optimum use of camera is "The Host".

It begins with an extreme long shot of a view of earth from space. This has a large impact on the audience as it is so unusual to see this in a trailer because we are used to seeing them on earth. It also informs us that there will be a sci-fi element to the film.

This is the contrasted by an extreme close up shot of the main characters eye. But it unusual because of the colours in here eye and this is an important feature of the film. Though at this point the audience are unsure of what this means.


Trailers can became a lot more successful it famous actors and actresses in the film are named in the trailers. If an actor is well known for being in good movies and is shown to be in a trailer audiences will automatically think the film will be good. 

Also when fans of certain actors see they are in a film trailer will make them want to go and watch the film. So it will have more viewers. Therefore starting names of famous and well known actors and actresses in film trailer is a good way to make them more successful.

Examples of this are in the "We´re The Millers" trailer and "Horrible Bosses" trailer. 


The film trailer for "Inception" is a very good example of how the plot can be shown in a way to make the trailer more successful. This trailer has no dialogue in it which adds to the mystery created by the quick cuts between scenes. Creating a strong sense of mystery is a good way to show a film because it leaves the audience with multiple enigmas that only watching the film will solve.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017



Conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something. There are general conventions in any medium, such as the use of the interviewee quotes in a print article, but conventions are also genre specific.

Codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre - it is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera work, without saying how it is conventionally used in a genre.


Film production logos are often shown at the beginning of trailers however they can sometimes be shown at the end. This informs the audience/viewers who distributed or produced the film/trailer they are about to watch. For viewers who love films from particular distributors or production companies can decide to watch the trailer solely based on that reason alone. I can testify to this as movies by a certain distributor, actor o director appeal to me and I am drawn to watch movies from these groups.


It is fundamental that film titles are made clear for each trailer so it has become a typical convention overtime. It is often shown at the end of the trailer to propel a adhesive effect meaning it will be more memorable for the audience. It is responsible for informing the audience of the product they are viewing presently. Film titles are altered in ways that are eye-catching, by using unique fonts and designs that differ from other distributed trailers/movies.


Online promotions of film production evolved. The use of social media to promote. A recent rise in the use of social media such as Twitter, YouTube and Instagram has further helped the film industries who use such platforms as a way of informing people of upcoming movies. Film productions can now make use of Twitter hash-tags or create accounts on Facebook or Instagram to enable people to look further into their films which is essentially more effective as it then reaches a global scale meaning a wider audience for that particular film. Social media is effective because it gives the opportunity for fans and audiences to share information and to share their thoughts about the film and it also gives people to chance to interact directly with the actors in the movie.


BBFC aims to provide guidance on the suitability of what age bracket can watch a particular film. The decision on what age is suitable to watch a particular movie usually lies within the intended target audience. The ratings will usually reflect the contents of the film.


For some movies, the local selling point may be the actors that are playing a character. Famous and widely known actors may attract audiences who are familiar with their work. 
Characters have the capability of engaging audiences emotions emotionally. This way the audience are more likely a enjoy the film.


Some trailers often have more than one trailer made however there is always an official trailer which often lasts between 1min 30 secs and 2 mins. There are also teasers which can sometimes last for 20 seconds or 30 seconds. The little of the film may not be shown either. This makes the audience eager awaiting the full trailer to be releases.

Similarly to film titles, release dates are usually shown at the end. This is a way for attracting the audiences attention. The release date is revealed some time prior to when the movie is released in the cinemas. This is done to ensure as many people have seen it before it is released to the general public.

Friday, 15 September 2017




Action films usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights, escapes, destructive crises (floods, explosions, natural disasters, fires, etc.), non-stop motion , spectacular rhythm and pacing, and adventurous, often two dimensional `good-guy´ heroes (or recently, heroines) battling `bad guys´ - all designed for pure audience escapism.


Adventure films are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales, very similar to or often paired with the "action" film genre. They can include traditional swashbucklers, serialized films, and historical spectacles, searches or expeditions for lost continents, "jungle" and "desert" epics, treasure hunts, disaster films, or searches for the unknown.


Comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the situation, the language, action, relationships and characters. This section describes various forms of comedy through cinematic history, including slapstick, screwball, spoofs and parodies, romantic comedies, black comedy.


Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually, they are not focused on special-effects, comedy, or action, Dramatic films are probably the largest film genre, with many subsets.


Horror films are designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. Horror films feature a wide range of styles, from the earliest silent Nosferatu classic, to today´s CGI monsters and deranged humans. They are often combined with science fiction when the menace or monster is related to a corruption of technology, or when Earth is threatened by aliens.


Sci-fi films are often quasi-scientific, visionary and imaginative - complete with heroes, aliens, distant planets, impossible quests, improbable settings, fantastic places, great dark and shadowy villains, futuristic technology, unknown and unknowable forces, and extraordinary monsters, either created by mad scientists or by nuclear havoc.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


To start the reflection, I think I should say what I think about last year´s work. Last year, it made me think and learn. This year I have clearest ideas of making the blog, just because now, I know how much time I need to take in each post and work.
Is true that was a bit stressful, because was the first time I get inside blogger, I did not know exactly, how much time I should have get in each post. But with the time, finally, I get the trick of it.
The difference between this year and last one is that now, is that I feel more confident of making my blog.


My team, is the same as last year. I am working with Candela Goodsell.

We are so happy to work together, because the two of us have the same desire, of making our blog.
I think is gonna be a great work!

As now we already know how to work in blogger, we can calculate the time we take in each post, to make the blog as perfect as possible.

Also, what we could improve is the researching part. Last year it was very difficult for us to understand the different things that the subject have.

I will try to do my best, for people to enjoy my blog. 

Hope you like it! 

Monday, 11 September 2017


Hello, my name is Blanca Espejo, I am on year 13 this year and I am studying in Sage College.
This year I am studying English, Maths, Media Studies and Spanish.

The subject of media studies is one of my favorites, just because I love taking pictures and moving out with my camera, so the time we need to film scenes and making the trailer or whatever I enjoy a lot. 

Creating this blog, I am sure it will help me to improve my skills in media studies, and continue enjoying the subject.
This year I will create the blog with much more enthusiasm than last year, just because it is easier when I already have experience from my AS.

Hope you like my blog this year, and hope you enjoy it!