Wednesday, 28 February 2018


Hello bloggers!

Today, apart from creating an Instagram page and also a Facebook one, we believed that creating a webpage could help us to promote our film. It took a bit of time searching of webpage programs, just because was the first time we made one. Finally we found a program called "Wix". At first, was a bit difficult for us, because we did not know how to use it, but immediately we got the trick of it. 
To end up, we were able to create a fun page in which it engage a lot with audience.

You can see our website through the link if you want it:

Monday, 26 February 2018


Hello bloggers!
To promote our movie, we have created a Facebook and Instagram page to distribute our film trailer.
This help us to improve our target audience and have expectations



Sunday, 25 February 2018


Hello bloggers!

Our second day filming was best than the other day. 
It was 27 degrees and a perfect sunny day. There was no wind and towards a perfect day to record. 
High key lighting is not always good. Sometimes, when we had to focus the messages of the phone, we could not show them, since the camera did not focus on having so much light. 

Here are some pictures of these days:

Saturday, 24 February 2018


Hello bloggers!

Our first recording day it was a very sunny day, so it was perfect for us to film our trailer as it was nearly all the time in "High key lighting".

We were not embarrassed to record, because there was not many people at the places we filmed.

It was a good filming day! 

Friday, 23 February 2018


Hello bloggers! 

Today, we had been thinking about the two poster we have. 
The first poster that we edit, we saw the picture very square, so we  did a second one, to know which to choose later. 
Letting ourselves be carried by the opinion of many people we had been chosen the second poster. 
If we analyze the second poster, the image it is more suitable for a poster, as it is square, but more "straight" up than the first one.
It also have more high key lighting at the picture and we can see it clearly.
Also, the second poster subtitle goes more in line with the trailers, so we thought it would be the best one for our film trailers.

Here you have the two poster:




Thursday, 22 February 2018


Hello bloggers! 

Here you have my Poster!

The purpose of a film poster is to convey the genre and themes of the film to potential viewers as well as to create excitement amongst already established fans so that they will spread the word about the film themselves.
We made two poster in which we selected one.

The second one is the one we selected.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018


Hello bloggers! 

We have been researching different types of professional film posters to create our own ones. 
We have selected the these three poster to make it more or less the same. 

The "Notebook" for example, is a 2004 America romantic drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes. This film is a love story in which a young couple fall in love in the 1940s. This type of film help us to inspire in our own film trailers poster. 

Here you have the two other film posters we get inspired.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018


Hello people! 

Today we had been working on our poster. 
Apart from creating our two films trailers, we also have to create two film poster. 
To create our poster, firstly, we researched the different types of profesional romantic poster in the last years. Most of them, used photoshop, but we used a program called "Posterini".
This program is very easy to use, so it was perfect for us to start our film poster. It is also a free program in which,it allow us to include the different types of fonts, colors and images that we want. 

We enjoyed a lot. 
Here you have the two film poster we created:

Thursday, 15 February 2018


Hello bloggers! Here you have my research on History of film poster!

Wednesday, 14 February 2018



Today we planned to meet all of us to film our trailers, but we had a really big problem. Me, (character of Sofia) I had a pretty complicated operation in which we could not record for in a month. So we decided to change the date.

Apart from the operation there are main different quite problems that happened on our filming period. 
Sometimes is difficult to have to agree with someone. We had exactly that problem. Some of us, had classes in the afternoon and some of us lived far away from each other. 

Even if we had this kinds of problems, we looked for a solution!

Tuesday, 13 February 2018


Hello bloggers! I am really really excited of creating this filming project. 
Before we film, we create our preliminary story board. This helped us to have certain ideas of what we are going to record. It was easy for us, just because we already have the main ideas of the scenes  of this two trailers.

Saturday, 10 February 2018


For our film trailers, we made a large selection of different types of songs. 
Between these ones, we take three of them. 

For the first trailer we chose the song used in "50 shades freed" called "For you" from Lian Payne and Rita Ora.

For the second trailer we used two different types of songs. These are "A thousand years" by Christina Perry and "Una melodia muy simple pero muy triste" (Synthesis).